10/7/2020 2 Comments Allowing Inspiration![]()
This week I am going to share about - Inspiration and allowing inspiration. I have purposely chosen allowing as inspiration doesn't come from within us. An inspired thought does not come from sifting through what you already know. Inspiration does not come from the old thoughts, the old patterns or the old beliefs that you hold in your mind. Inspiration comes from something outside of yourself. The collective consciousness, Source, God or what ever you are comfortable calling it - the wisdom of all.
People like Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci or anyone who has had an amazing idea gets their inspiration by creating space in their in their lives to allow these ideas to come to them. They tap into and go beyond their own minds to create space for something new to arrive something to arrive in from this collective consciousness that we're all connected to. Napoleon Hill talks about this in his book Think And Grow Rich. To receive inspiration you need to connect in to collective consciousness and allow inspiration to find the spark in you to ignite the memories in you that are relevant to what it is that you’re hoping to get inspiration for. The key is learning how to create space for allowing. In a world where we are so focused on “Doing” and very little on “Being” (although things are starting to shift with practices such as meditation, yoga and mindfulness) this will take conscious effort from you. There are many ways to create this space. Although what I am going to share with you is not a prescription as what I am talking about is a state of being, a receptive state of being. You will need to play around with what I share and see which allows you to be in the most receptive state. Some things you can do are;
You might find that even when you make this time doing some of the things I have suggested, that your mind is just too busy and you struggle to get out of your head. I have experienced the same thing with my mind being too busy on a problem that I've got with work, one of my kids, my family or something else. And I can feel that my energy is in my head working on that problem and not being present with what I am doing. To bring myself out of my head I bring my focus onto my breathing. When I know that my focus is there and I am present with my breath and my body I take my focus out into the world and a space that I happen to be running in. Personally I love running outside I don't do running in gyms it's too claustrophobic for me and I find I am more able to find inspiration when I run outside. I am sure that there are many other ways to create this space and please feel free to experiment I hope that the list above has given you some ideas. The energy of inspiration is around us all the time and all we need to do is be open to allowing it to flow through us unhindered. Inspiration is the source of conscious action and this is so incredibly important because quite often in our world we still rely too heavily on motivation. I can see that we are shifting and that humanity is becoming more conscious and more aware. The things that I am talking about are so much more important to people than they ever used to. That mediation and mindfulness have become mainstream. In the past we used to rely on motivation primarily to get anything done. Motivation used to be a big part of our lives and now it’s becoming less and less so as people understand that having an inspired thought and following it and allowing action to come from this inspired thought is a much more productive way to live. The results that you get from following inspiration are so much greater, faster and more exciting than by following motivation. However my next blog is going to be on motivation versus inspiration so I am not going to say anymore on that subject now. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog on allowing inspiration and I hope you found something you can use in your life. I have lots of resources including some free courses on my website and I will share the address to that in the first comment below. So much love from me to you XX
10/7/2020 08:08:41 pm
14/7/2020 05:23:57 am
Amazing blog.. Sooo much resources, it is a treasure trove. you work so hard 🤗🤗🤗. i love the idea that we all interpret ideas or get inspired by ideas differently and with different energy. it encourages sharing.. i love the made in dyslexia sign.. i was not aware there was such - it is awesome.. 😍😍😍
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