![]() I want to speak to you about raising your vibration through gratitude. I have already written a lot about gratitude in various in various shapes and forms but I want to dive into gratitude in a deeper way than I have before. I have realised there's two different ways to do gratitude and that is what I want to share with you today. In case you haven't read or listened to any of the other things that I have shared on gratitude I will very quickly share the story of my gratitude journey. It started in 2019 when I had to move home. I knew that moving house would be very stressful especially as I am a single mother so have to do nearly everything on my own. From past experience moving seriously depletes me so I decided that this time I would try to put things in place to support myself and hopefully ensure that I was staying in the space that I want to be living in irrespective of the stress that I knew I was most likely going to go under. This decision led to the inspiration to start a Gratitude Group on Facebook. When I started this group I didn’t expect it to be particularly well attended. I thought some close friends might be kind enough to join me and help me in this space but I was not expecting much more than that. What actually happened totally took me by surprise and before I knew it the group was well over 100 people. At the point of writing this blog I think we have close to 600 people in the group which to me is quite a lot, it is certainly more than the five to ten people I thought I was going to have. Initially when set up the group I was only going to do it for the month that I was moving and settling in but because so many people joined I extended it and then extended it again. Until around Christmas time some lovely people in the group and I decided to run it every day for the next year. I have learnt so much from running this gratitude group and one of these things is what I want to share with you today. What I have realised is that you can do gratitude 2 ways (there might be more but for the purpose of this blog I am going to share 2.
When I started doing it regularly I would sit down every night and I would share five things that I was grateful for. I tried to find five different things every day so that I didn’t just default to a preprepared list of things I was grateful for. I wanted to stretch myself and to change how I interacted with the world. Initially just the change in my focus in life was noticeable because I began looking for things in my life to be grateful for. As I went about my day with the focus of gratitude I started to notice things I would never have done before. I became more sensitive to things of beauty and wonder because I was looking for them. Instead of just driving under the trees on the way to or from school I would notice how the light played off the leaves, or the colour of the leaves, or the sound they made as the wind blew through them. Before this I was often so caught up in my own thoughts that I would pass by without noticing them at all. What I have now realised is that you can deepen, expand or make this experience even more rich and beautiful. And the way to do this is by stepping more deeply into the things that you've found to be grateful for and building them up and amplifying them. For instance if I have seen a flower in my garden that I have planted, nurtured and grown and it's bloomed. I can see it and note that I am grateful for it and remember that I must add it to my list of gratitudes that evening. This is a very metal experience. Or I can take it a level deeper. To do this I need to step into the experience with the flower. I can allow the colour of the flower to wash over me to sense the colour rather than just mentally say it in my mind. I can allow myself to feel the energy of the flower and to step into presence with flower experience the joy of the anticipation of it blooming and the joy of seeing it bloom to really percolate in my being. Give space for this experience to expand in my life. The more that I allow myself to truly step into this way of experiencing life the more expanded my heart becomes the more beautiful and joyful my life becomes and the higher my vibration becomes. The next time you see something that you are grateful for allow yourself to experience it with your whole body and then let me know how it went ;) This is has been a very short little reflection today on raising your vibration through gratitude but to me it's so incredibly important because it takes the little small little things that could be insignificant and it allows you to fully step into the glory of all that they are it allows you to resonate at a higher level and it allows you to bring joy into your life and bliss and just so much magic and happiness in the little moments it's taking those little moments and expanding them so that they take up more space and they take up more time and they allow more energy into your life If you want to access more of my resources or arrange a chemistry call to see if working with me would be a goo idea just visit my website the link will be in my bio. So much love from me to you
17/9/2020 0 Comments Playing With The Universe![]() Today I want to talk about playing with the universe, and it is a playground. It is a joyful place to be the problem is that we are brought up not to know how to and we are brought up not to believe that it is. Instead we are taught that it is a serious place and that we need to work hard and take ourselves seriously. When you watch children they don’t take life seriously there's a curiosity a joy and lightness. When I look back on when I was a child I was a phenomenal a creator, I do not mean this to brag I am sure if you look back at your childhood you will find you were too. I loved horses but we had very little money and certainly not enough to own or even lease a horse. Yet my inability to see limitations allowed me to create the experience of owning a pony without actually having to own it. We heard about someone’s son who had out grown his pony. He was a typical Thelwell pony. He was a strawberry rhone Section B Welsh pony named Concord and he was perfect! They didn't want to give him up because they loved him dearly, so I got to look after him, ride him, take him to pony club and care for him completely free as if he was my own. There were so many things that I was able to create when I was young because I just enjoyed it . I found life so amazingly interesting, and what I want to share with you today is the thought that - if we were able to take life less seriously maybe we wouldn't get so hurt or feel so defeated when things don't turn out the way we want them to. Instead of seeing ourselves as failures or that live is hard or working against us we would shrug and think oh well let me try that again. It would be more like a game just a skill we hadn’t mastered yet rather than the way life is. It would be like learning to ride a bicycle or learning to walk. If you fall over you wouldn’t beat yourself up and say “I am an awful person,” “I failed I'll never be able to do this”! Instead you would giggle and bounce back up and try again. In the past I didn't truly understand how creation worked. I thought that if I got the creation process right then Universe/Source would deliver what I wanted and it would be perfect. If it wasn’t then I felt that there was something wrong with me, that I was ungrateful, undeserving, selfish, or not good enough. I didn't realise that what I was receiving was just a reflection of the level that I was vibrating at and what I was holding onto in my energy body. Now I realised that there's such joy in creation and there is such juiciness and such wonder and that if I don’t like what I created I can change direction, throw it back (metaphorically) or try something else. Where did we lose our curiosity and wonder at life? Why do we take it so personally? In the past I have been quite a dab hand at creating boyfriends. I have done it twice. 1, When I created the first one I had a list. I was very specific! He had to be taller than me, a non smoker, a handyman (the men in my family are not really very handy), caring and I can't remember what else but it was extensive and very detailed. The person that came into my life ticked every single box. It was amazing but the relationship was a disaster. I thought I had failed. I remember feeling very specifically that I must have done something wrong. I tried so hard to be the right person and I punished myself because I believed that I was the failure in the relationship. I believed I was the one that was causing it to be so awful. 2, A few years later I decided I would try again and I created another list, but this time it was a very different list. Instead of having physical attributes my new list was more about experiences that I wanted to have with this person. I wanted to enjoy dancing with him. I wanted to feel loved by him and I can’t even remember what else was on the list but again it was quite detailed. The next man I met ticked all of these items on my list, but this time it was different. Right from the start even though there was an instant connection I took it a bit slower and when I was dating him there came a point when I realised that something wasn’t quite right, something was off . Unfortunately I still hadn’t quite gotten it so I ignored this feeling because I thought that since the Universe/Source has brought me this person he must be the right one. I now realise he showed up i my life because of where I was vibrating at that point in my life. I didn't have to go out with him and when I sensed that there was something off I could have ended it then. I could have said you know what this isn't going to work for me. If could have seen it for what it was - I had had a wobble on my bicycle and just needed more practice at creating. I could have said “okay I know I have attracted this person because of where I am vibrating at and there's something not quite right. Let me have a little play with what is sticking and see where my vibration is off. Let me recalibrate and then go back and see what's out there in the world that meets where I want to be”. I knew where I wanted to be with my vibration but I hadn't quite gotten there yet, I hadn't fine-tuned it enough. As it happened I lived with the guy for close to 3 years and it took me years afterwards to even contemplate dating again. This was because I took it so seriously when it needn’t have been. I think I have gotten there in the end but I hope that this blog helps you to get there a little faster than I did and to enjoy the ride a little more. You can access more of my resources on this website. So much love from me to you ![]()
Since I have known about it I have found how life reflects what is going on inside my head to be fascinating. People often think that life happens to us but it is who we are being that creates our lives and most definitely creates the experience we have of life. Your life is a reflection of your focus.
You might already know this but I hope through the examples I am going to give you and from sone of the insights I have gained over the years which I will share that you might be able to gain a deeper understanding for yourself. I know I have mentioned Abraham Hicks quite a few times recently I, have been listening to a lot of their podcast and what they say really speaks to me and is very much in line with my own thoughts and experiences. We are all made of energy and we vibrate and depending on what we are focusing on we vibrate at different frequencies. We also have an energy field (which Abraham call’s “the vortex”) and this energy field is full of everything you have experienced. The things you don’t like and the things you do like. Every time you focus on something it registers in this energy field. Through the contrast of life you have added many things to your energy field and you activate them and deactivate them by how you focus. The more you focus on something, the more you are emotionally charged about it, the more you aligned to it and the more likely you are to see it showing up in your life. It doesn't matter what you focus on but the more energetically you’re charged by it be it positive or negative the more likely it is to show up in your environment. I have found that FaceBook or any social media demonstrates this incredibly well; I was walking with a very dear friend of mine and we were talking about Facebook. She was complaining that all people seemed to post about were conspiracy theories and hating the government and she wished people would stop doing this. Her comments got me thinking, I very rarely get any of these things in my feed but I realised that when I do I simply flick past them. I don’t read them, like them, share them or comment on them. I don’t engage with them at all which I suppose means I don’t engage with people who post this material either. I think because of this FaceBook’s logarithms (much like life) realise that this is of no interest to me and stop sending me these posts. I allow what you don’t want in life just let it pass you by, don’t engage with it, shout at it, think about it or focus on it in any way (unless you are legally obliged to then do what you have to with the least amount of emotional attachment). After thinking about this I realised that I had real life experience of how not focusing on the stuff I don’t want has helped me to have more of what I do. Before I left Botswana the country was going through a really rough time. Crime was up especially in my neighbourhood (when the river ran dry thieves could escape across into South Africa and the Botswana police weren’t able to follow them), we were going through a 4 year drought hence the dry river and there were big problems with the new power plant, in that it didn’t work. This meant Botswana had to buy power in from South Africa or Angola and these places did not even have enough power for themselves, so there were many power cuts too. However I chose not to gossip about the crime, or to talk and worry about the power cuts or water shortages. I consciously chose to focus on safety and having water and power. This is not to say that I did not take precautions, I locked the doors every night and put the alarm on, we were carful about the water we used and made plans for when we had power cuts. I lived in this house mainly on my own with my two boys for 14 years and only had 1 theft and this was very minor. Someone passed through our property one night and stole a frozen pie out of a freezer that was on the porch. In the time I lived there both of my neighbours were broken into but I never was. During the drought everyone who lived near us had to truck water in for all of their amenities and we didn’t. Our boar hole kept going and we were fine. We were also very lucky with the power. We did have power cuts however at one time the government instituted nightly power usage limits which meant you were lucky if you could boil a kettle. We were incredibly fortunate because we had three phase power (don’t ask me to explain what this is) and this meant we were exempt from this action. Writing this now it seems like this was an easy thing to do but it wasn’t. I wasn’t always sure of what I was doing or if it would work, doubted myself and doubted what I thought I knew but I did know that engaging with the fear only made me more frightened and I didn’t like feeling like that. Looking back on this time it is my belief that how I chose to focus impacted not only how I felt during this time but also what I experienced. I would also like to point out that I was not fighting reality (I was not making it wrong) - the crime, drought or power cuts. I accepted that they were part of my life and chose actions to ensure my safety and that of my children but I also but to the best of my ability I chose to then focus on the positive things in my life. I hope that this has in some way inspired you to see how you can create your own reality just by focusing on what you want in your reality rather on the things that you don't want. And by choosing who you interact with, the conversations you have, the things you read, and what you do you can change your experience of your life. If you want to access more of my resources or arrange a coaching session you can find my website address in my profile. So much love from me to you 3/9/2020 0 Comments What Is Ho'oponopono![]() I decided to write this blog because I have been running a free ho’oponopono clearing meditation on Tuesdays. I get lots of people that come along, which is fabulous, but people are at different stages of their ho'oponopono journey. So I decided to create this blog as a resource people can use to find out what ho’oponopono is all about. We all see life through our own lens and I realise that what I share I will be sharing through my own lens so to be transparent I use ho’oponopono as a consciousness tool. My journey and what I have to share with the world is all about shifting from a state of automation, survival, subconscious programming and behaviour into living a much more conscious self-aware blissful aligned connected to source life. The one is detached and out of alignment the other is in flow and aligned. Everything that I do, share and coach is all about helping people to shift from that space into the more conscious self-aware space. ho’oponopono for me is one of the tools that you can use to help you to transition from the automated subconscious space into a more conscious self-aware space. Ho'oponopono comes from Hawaii. It is a Hawaiian mystical tool that they use to help bring them back to what they call zero and to connect with Source. They have different words for this space but I am just using my own words to help explain. I also use the word Source because I am more spiritual than religious but you are welcome to change that word for your own use, into God or Allah or whatever it is that for you symbolises the energy that I am speaking about. Before we go into the theory I want to share a little about Dr Hew Len who was the person I learnt ho’oponopono from. If you want to know more you can google him (I have added a link on his name) and you'll see lots of youtube clips where he talks about ho’oponopono. His story is that a long time ago he was employed by an institution for the criminally insane. This particular institution had a really high turnover of staff I think staff would only last a couple of months because it was such traumatic and stressful place to work. When Dr Hew Len joined he only used ho’oponopono. From what I understand he had the names of all the inmates on a piece of paper. Instead of going in and working with them personally as most therapists would, he sat with the list and as he read through each name he would be very aware of what was coming up for him and he would say the ho’oponopono clearing phrase until he felt he had cleared what ever came up within himself. After two years they closed the place down as there were no inmates left. The ho’oponopono clearing phrase is - "I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, and thank you" Ho’oponopono is incredibly powerful and if you use it for no other reason then it is fabulous as a pattern interrupt. If you are not spiritual or interested in energy and everything else which I speak about then I would still recommend using this tool as it is incredible for disrupting your programmed subconscious thoughts and beliefs. If you want to create a new reality in your life but you find your thoughts and beliefs are working against you ho’oponopono can help you to create from a clean space. Every time you catch yourself thinking something negative or against what you want to create you use the clearing phrase. And as you use it, it immediately shifts your focus onto something else. So for that reason alone it is incredibly powerful, but to me there is so much more to it. When you say each of the phrases you are saying them Source and to the Source within you. - When you say “I love you” you're saying it the spark of pure energy, the eternal light within yourself and you are also saying it to the eternal light and to everything that is Source externally from you (although ultimately we are all one so there is no internal and external). - When you say “I'm sorry” you are saying - I’m sorry for my conditioned thinking, for my wrong thinking, for the way that I've inadvertently programmed myself to think through my lifetime that isn't really the truth of who I am that is not the truth of Source. And you are saying sorry for it because you didn't do it intentionally. You didn't even know that you were doing it but you did do it. And in that I'm sorry there's a relaxing around whatever it is that you've been attached to in the thought pattern. - Then you say “please forgive me” and this again is to the Source within you and the Source externally from you and as you say that there's a letting go of the thoughts and the patterns that you've been holding around this. - The final statement is “thank you” and to me there is so much joy and bliss in the thank you. It helps me to resonate with Source. It helps me to reconnect and to be in that space with Source again. Going back to the I love you part, when I say, “I love you” I feel so expanded it is like I plug directly into Source. I don’t know what the purists would say whether you have to say the phrases all the way through over and over again but I sometimes say only a part of it. If I'm feeling in a particularly blissful, and connected space that I want to amplify and increase the enjoyment of I might just sit with “I love you” and say it over and over again. I am now aware when I shift into my subconscious patterning because when I do it feels like I can’t see Source around me. I can't see it in me and I can't see it in others. And it is as if I have been locked in a dark room. When I feel like this I use “I’m sorry”. I might repeat I’m sorry over and over until I feel a shift and can step back from whatever it is that I feel engulfed by at the time and reconnect with Source. I will then move on to “please forgive me” and “thank you”. What I am trying to say here is play with it, feel it, and be with it. In my ho’oponopono training Dr Hew Len would point to a white board and explain that the whiteboard represented our minds when they were clean. The nothingness or as he calls it “zero” is what we all are in our truth and our essence. And every time we think a thought we put a mark on the whiteboard. The ho’oponopono clearing statements are a way for you erase these marks from your Being. The more you clear the more you raise your vibration the more you are in alignment with Source and the more you get to create from this beautiful space. I am sure I haven't covered everything in this blog I hope that it will help you to start understanding a little bit more about ho'oponopono and hopefully you'll come and join me on a Tuesday for my free ho’oponopono clearing meditation and experience it for yourself. If you want to access any more of my resources (and there are many) you can find them on my website which is in my bio. I’ve got a number of free courses as well as more in-depth extensive courses and I also do coaching and I would be more than happy to have a free chemistry call with you. So much love from me to you |
December 2020
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