27/11/2015 0 Comments How to Create Happiness in Your Life?The wonderful news is that happiness is with you always it is just a matter of finding it. This is the third part of my happiness program. As I said in my earlier article, I think that you need to focus on three aspects of yourself to create deep happiness – Body, Mind and finally Soul. Soul To create happiness in your life you will need to let go of all of the ‘things’ that you have let cloud it. Let go of all of your stress, as this is just in your mind. The only thing that ever stresses us is our thoughts. When you don’t think about something it doesn’t stress you. Let go of all of the ideas that you need to be somewhere or something other than what you are. They are ridiculous anyway, I mean how can you possibly be anything other than what you are right now! The conflict thoughts we think come from us fighting what actually is, what is real and present. When you are able to let go of this you will find that there is a peace inside you and in this peace is happiness. There is a wonderful saying “As above so below” and just like we don’t like to see fighting in the world or between friends or siblings we also don’t like to fight ourselves. Without the fighting there can only be peace and with that happiness. Your soul is your authentic self it is the essence of who you really are. It has a quiet voice and if you are caught up in your head and your thoughts you won’t hear it. You have to step out of your head to be able to connect with your soul. The easiest way to remember how it feels is to go back to when you were a young child, to remember the freedom to just be you, to laugh at things that amused you or just sing because you felt like you would explode if you didn’t. I remember that I used to sing on the toilet, I know it is a bit weird but I would sing to God, I was so full of happiness and joy that I couldn’t keep it in. You didn’t do things because you had to, you did them because they made you happy. Yet throughout life you are taught to do what you are told and not to listen to yourself. You have to go to school, study subjects that bore you, you have to get a good job and so it goes on. I do not know where these ideas came from or if they even made the first person who thought them happy but I can see that it has made a world full of unhappy and unsatisfied people. This is not to say that learning is bad -far from it, I love to learn but it is the mind-set that someone other than you knows better than you what is good for you. We are not taught to believe in ourselves and trust ourselves and we stopped listening to ourselves a long time ago. To become a happy person you will need to reconnect to that inner voice of your soul and to start to live from this place. Do things you are moved to do- don’t put them off. I know it sounds too simple but from personal experience and from working with others I know that this can be very hard. It is important to remember that how hard we make this is down to how hard we fight ourselves. People say they don’t have time and that is simply because they don’t make time. Get up 10 minutes earlier, go to sleep 10 minutes later, take a lunch break and go for a short walk in a park or garden or somewhere that is green. And instead of listening to your thoughts go round and round and round in your head listen to the birds and the breeze. Feel the energy of a place. Is it peaceful or busy, is it slow or fast. Does it bubble or is it still. The only person in your life that can change your life is you so put your life first and start to learn how to create happiness in your life. It does take practice to learn the different languages and voices of your being. You have the language of your ego which is fear based and panicky, full of doubts and uncertainties, you will have the voice of your parents or caregivers going on in the back ground, you shouldn’t do this, you should do that, this is good, that is bad, it might even tell you who you are -whether you are lazy or amazing. You will have the voice of society telling you who you should become and what is acceptable in society.You will also have the voices of your closest friends and partners telling you that you should make time for them and you should do this so that they will be happy. In all of this chatter the quiet language of your soul is often drowned out and yet it is the one that is you, the truth, and the way. The way your soul communicates is in inspirations, it is in the thoughts that pop into your head, call so and so or the desire for a coffee at a certain café, or for the feeling of grass beneath your feet. It can easily be ignored but ignore it at your peril because that is where you happiness lies. There are a few techniques you can use to listen to yourself and these are;
Happiness does not come from getting more or from outside of yourself it comes from allowing yourself to do things that bring you happiness. Your happiness is always inside you, you just have to line up with it. This is how to create happiness in your life, wishing you every success and happiness With love Britt
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